Welcome to the New Abode!

Two adorable furballs slipped their way into our lives and home and warmed our hearts to accept them as new members of our family. Oh boy! little did we imagine then that two tiny beings were going to occupy all the space around us. Small packages come in large surprises!

We had with us two identical Florida White Rabbits. This species of bunnies is very friendly, delicate, and happy in general. After a brief tussle over the naming ceremony, the cuddly creatures were named ‘Golu’ and ‘Molu’. Do they recognize their names as other species of pets do? Well, we were yet to find out.

However undistinguishable the bunnies might seem on the outward; each rabbit has a distinct personality! That was some food for thought and quite interesting to find out.

Some online research, inquiries with rabbit owners and pet shops, and a few brainstorming later, we were left with a considerably lengthy list of requirements for the two new house occupants.

Essentials for Pet Rabbits-


Cage (Ideal size) for indoor rabbits- Even if you plan to keep your bunnies free-roam, they need a dedicated space to call their own, where they like to feed, rest and litter.

Hutch (Spacious) for outdoor rabbits. Rabbits don’t like isolation. If you choose to keep them outside, make sure you spend enough time with them.

Playpen/Puppypen– Rabbits need their daily dose of fitness, and hence an exercise area is always good if you don’t want them running around the house. These playpens also come handy if you plan to take them to the park.

Tips for buying Rabbit cage

  • Even if the rabbit would be outside of its cage most of the time, the cage should be spacious for the rabbits to move around.
  • It should be large enough so that when the rabbits stand on their hind legs, they should not hit their heads on the top of the cage.
  • The cage should have space for a litter box and a resting area.
  • It should be easy to clean.
  • It should be made of metal or any other indestructible material.
  • Cages must be placed in a cool and well-ventilated area.

Cage Supplies 

Bedding– Rabbits love to stay clean and proper bedding would help them keep dry and comfortable. A paper bedding, straw or Hay bedding, cloth mat, etc work fine. Avoid the wood shavings as they cause chronic health problems in rabbits.

Litter Box– Rabbits can be litter-trained and a litter-box goes a long way in doing so. A corner litter pan usually works fine. The size should be ideal keeping in mind your bunny is going to grow in size.

Feeding Bowls– Food bowls also help keep the food clean, safe, and contamination-free. Heavy ceramic bowls for food and water are fine as rabbits love to turn the objects upside down. Bowls attachable to the cage are perfect.

Keep a separate water-bowl or water-bottle as bunnies need a continuous supply of fresh and clean drinkable water.

Hay Feeder– Rabbits need an endless supply of hay as their primary food. A Hay-feeder helps keep the cage clean, and rabbits enjoy pulling hay out of the feeder and munching on them.

Chew Toys– Toys and other enrichment items keep the rabbits occupied and entertained. Chew toys help in keeping them off your furniture and door edges from their attack. (Interesting fact- Rabbits have their teeth and nails grow throughout life)

Food and Diet

We will discuss in detail what food is safe for bunnies and the ones to avoid, in another article in this series.

Grooming and Cleaning Supplies

Hairbrush– To remove that excess fur as rabbits have shedding cycles a few times throughout the year. Rabbits are self-cleaning and they keep grooming themselves, hence it is also not good for them to ingest the extra fur which could give them serious digestive problems.

Nail clippers– Rabbits need regular nail clipping as long nails could either snag or curl into their paw causing a problem.

Bunny-Proofing the House

Get those wire protectors and furniture baseboard coverings to shield them from being chewed off by your lovely friends.

Finding a Rabbit-Savvy Vet

Rabbits are prey animals and they like to hide any signs of illness. Hence it is necessary to find a good vet who is well-versed with checking and treating rabbits. Ears, Eyes, Teeth, and Gut, basically give away the health status of a rabbit.

Rabbits have a unique language and it is important to understand their behavior. Demystify those Binkies, Nose Bonks, Plops, and Nudges, bond with your buddies, and have an abundance of fun with your furry friends.

“Every Bunny Needs SomeBunny Sometimes”

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

For more posts in the series, visit here!


#Blogchatter #MyFriendAlexa2020


  1. Sonia Dogra said:

    That last bit is so cute. Every bunny needs a bunny…
    You have your hands full. I’m sure your son chips in with the rabbits. I’ve never had the courage to keep pets thinking of all the work that comes along.

    October 5, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Sonia 😊
      My son has leant to be more responsible with the bunnies 😊 You are right, they do come with huge commitments, but it grows on you as you get attached to them!

      October 6, 2020
  2. Srishti RajeevMenda said:

    This post is a one stop for all bunny lovers. Jyoti, you are an amazing writer. Genre is never a bar for you! Loved the cities. Remembering my bunny.

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Srishti 😘🤩🤗🤗 for such lovely praises!🙏
      So good to know you had a bunny.

      October 6, 2020
  3. Mayura Amarkant said:

    OMG! Such cutie pies!! My neighbours recently got rabbits and gave them away because they couldn’t take care of them. I will share this post with them in a hope that they will bring the little ones back. Thank you for sharing such an important and informative post with us.

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou Mayura!

      October 6, 2020
  4. Pratibha said:

    They look so so adorable!

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:


      October 6, 2020
  5. Rashi Roy said:

    Golu Molu I just love the names, as adorable as the two are! Why didn’t I ever think of rabbits as pets. They seem to be the perfect cuddle buddy. Such a happy post, am glad you chose this as your theme.

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Rashi 😘🤗

      October 6, 2020
  6. Afreen Ansari said:

    They are so so cute and this is so helpful for anyone who is planning to adopt rabbits. Very informative

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Afreen! 😊

      October 6, 2020
  7. Mayuri Nidigallu said:

    ‘Golu’ and ‘Molu’ are adorable names, just like the rabbits are. I wonder though if you can tell them apart?

    October 6, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou Mayuri 😊 Yes, they both have distinct personalities and some distinguishing features, which give them away!

      October 6, 2020
  8. Amrita Basu said:

    I loved the cute bunny intros .I don’t like cages .Otherwise easily my favorite pet to have someday.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Amrita 😊 Bunnies don’t like cages too! In fact free-roam rabbits are healthier. Thankyou for reading!

      October 7, 2020
  9. Sinjana Ghosh said:

    The video is adorable. So glad that the bunnies found such a loving family.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Sinjana! 😘😍

      October 7, 2020
  10. PraGun said:

    Loving this series with bunnies. Such a cute video, your kiddo is surely having fun with Golu Moul. There are such cutieeee names and they are really adorable.
    A very informative post you had shared.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thanks a ton Pragun 🤩😘🤗🤗 means a lot!

      October 7, 2020
  11. PRB said:

    They’re so cute! I’ve always wanted rabbits as pets but it hasn’t been possible yet as we keep moving cities frequently. Maybe, someday!

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much! Hope you get to have a pet someday!

      October 7, 2020
  12. arti pandey said:

    they both are such a cuties 🙂

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thank you!

      October 7, 2020
  13. Madhu Bindra said:

    I am really enjoying the series. Love the names you picked. And each post is also very informative.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thank you so much, Aunty 😍😊

      October 7, 2020
  14. Leha said:

    Wow bunnies! They are so adorable, Jyoti. You seem to take utmost care to ensure they are happy and safe. So glad you added that sweet video too.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thank you so much, Leha 😘😍

      October 7, 2020
  15. Ginia said:

    I have always wanted to buy a pet specially a puppy. Your bunnies are sooo adorable. Love your tips and anybody who wants a bunny as a pet will surely find this post to be very helpful.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Ginia 😊

      October 7, 2020
  16. Srikanth said:

    Aww… thats a nice pair of rabbits… My son has been asking for a puppy… hope to get him one…

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much! A puppy would be really nice.

      October 7, 2020
  17. Chinmayee Gayatree sahu said:

    Lovely and an adorable post. Golu & Molu have become my favorites as well. By the idea of Playpens was interesting & something new for me. I am sure they must be keeping you ultra-busy but it must be all worth it.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Very true, Chinmayee 🤩! Thankyou so much 😊🤗

      October 7, 2020
  18. Don Joe Martin said:

    Never have I read a series based on information gleaned from experience with a pet! This is so informative and backed with proper examples. Hope they continue to be a part of your family and blog for a very long time!

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much 😇🙏

      October 7, 2020
  19. Deepa Gandhi said:

    Aww..this was the cutest post I read today. I am sure my daughters would love these bunnies.

    October 7, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thank you so much Deepa 😍 I hope your daughters like Golu and Molu!

      October 8, 2020
  20. Ruchi Nasa said:

    Golu molu..so do they finally acknowledge their names ?

    October 9, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      😄😄 We perceive that they do.
      Thankyou so much for dropping by and reading 😊

      October 9, 2020
  21. Manisha Garg said:

    My maternal grandfather had 3 of them as pets. He had got a customised playpen for them and these are the only pets I never felt scared off in fact they are so cute. Make you crazy when you play with them.

    October 10, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      😀😀 very true Manisha. So good to know about your grandfather’s pet rabbits.
      Thankyou so much for reading and sharing your lovely experience.

      October 10, 2020
  22. Noor Anand Chawla said:

    Wow I am amazed at the depth of information you have provided! And those bunnies are just too adorable for words!

    October 16, 2020
    • Jyoti Jha said:

      Thankyou so much Noor 😊

      October 17, 2020

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